Tuesday, 13 May 2014

by Karen Showell

Father It's Time 


Did Jesus want to go to the Cross?
Even though Jesus was God, He was also part flesh.
I don't think anyone would have wanted to face what Jesus was about to endure. However His love for us overruled his fear.
Thank you Jesus!

The death of Jesus has always been central to the message of God and His love for mankind. But the death of Jesus was also sought after by the father of lies, satan. Everything in the Old Testament pointed forward to the time when the Son of God would die for the sins of the world. All of the prophesies, ceremonies and laws were looking forward to the death of Jesus. The Father's plan from before the foundation of the world was for His Son to die on the cross for the sins of the world. For without His death on the cross, there would be no resurrection from the dead and without the resurrection there would be no salvation.

On the other hand, satan has always wanted the Son of God to die anywhere else but the cross. If Jesus made it to the cross and died as a sacrifice for sins and a substitute for mankind, then satan's reign of terror would be terminated. That is why Jesus would cry out "IT IS FINISHED" when He was about to die on the cross.

Jesus was born to die. Jesus was born to die for the sins of the world. Jesus was born to die on the cross. His death on the cross would bring forgiveness to mankind. Death on the cross would give victory to God's grace. Death on the cross would give glory to His Name.

This is why in all of my artwork, I will always give Jesus the glory and I do mean ALL!

Love 3


There is no one on this earth that I love more than my beautiful Jesus!

There is no one on this earth more important to me than my Beautiful Jesus.

This is what I have tried to portray in this piece of my art.

He is everything to me. He is my best friend and I can trust Him, when I can't trust anyone else.

I love Him with every fiber of my being.

I have been walking with the Lord, for over thirty years and He has never once let me down.

It is because of Him that I am not afraid of death.

He never judges me.
When I mess up,
he never holds it against me.

He simply loves me out of my sin.

God loves all of His children this way.

If you do not have a relationship with Jesus, please feel free to email me.

I would love to introduce you to my best friend.

Don't worry, I am not going to beat you over the head with religion.

I promise.

He loves us all uncondtionally.

That is what I love about him the most.

My mind will never be able to Fathom his love.

My beautiful Jesus
is simply amazing!

He is LOVE!

Bridge Over Troubled Waters

DescriptionI am sure that just about everyone has heard the song:
Bridge Over Troubled Waters.

It is one of my favorites.
It is a all time classic!

Our lives are filled with goodness, as well as troubles.

Sometimes the winds and the waves of life can overwhelm us.

The song says:

I'm on your side, when times get rough, and friends just can't be found, like a bridge over troubled water, I will lay me down."

This is what I have tried to portray in this piece of my artwork.

I hear Jesus saying that He has laid his life down, not just for me, but for everyone.
No one took his life, He gave it up voluntarily!

Thank you Lord!

He loves us so much that He allowed them to put nails in his hands and His feet.

He allowed them to mock and beat him.
He allowed them to spit upon him.

Jesus is saying that he loves us inspite of our sins.

He allowed himself to be the sacrificial Lamb.

The bottom line is that Jesus went to Hell for us, so that we would not have to go.
For these reasons alone, I will never be ashamed of my Jesus!

Because of what Jesus has done for me, I will forever be bold in my faith,
and I don't care who likes it!



Just think!

One Cross + Three Nails and we are FORGIVEN!
It just blows my mind!

There is no one on this earth that I love more than my beautiful Jesus!

There is no one on this earth more important to me than my Beautiful Jesus.

This is what I have tried to portray in this piece of my art.

He is everything to me. He is my best friend and I can trust Him, when I can't trust anyone else.

I love Him with every fiber of my being.

I have been walking with the Lord, for over thirty years and He has never once let me down.

It is because of Him that I am not afraid of death.

He never judges me.
When I mess up,
he never holds it against me.

He simply loves me out of my sin.

God loves all of His children this way.

If you do not have a relationship with Jesus, please feel free to email me.

I would love to introduce you to my best friend.

Don't worry, I am not going to beat you over the head with religion.

I promise.

He loves us all uncondtionally.

That is what I love about him the most.

My mind will never be able to Fathom his love.

My beautiful Jesus
is simply amazing!

I am amazed at The Wonder Of His Love.

Between Heaven And Earth


I love Jesus Christ because He loves all people.
It does not matter the race,creed or color.

The Bible says in John 4:24 that God is Spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.

So! you tell me,
What color is a Spirit?
Case closed!

God loves all races.
I just wish that we all could do the Same.

He Hung In There


He hung in there!

I was riding on a bus one day and I had just gotten off of work. I was tired and my feet were hurting really bad. To be honest I just did not feel like being bothered. Suddenly, a little, old black woman came and sat down next to me. She asked me a simple question, “How are you doing?”

I looked her with a “Don’t bother me” attitude. I knew that I was wrong because my mama had taught me better. My mother had always taught me to have the utmost respect for my elders, and if she had of been sitting next to me that day on the bus, she probably would have smacked me dead in the face for being so disrespectful. I answered the little old lady. “Oh! I'm hanging in there; my feet are killing me!” That little, old, black lady looked at me like she was taken back. She said to me, "Little girl, let me tell you one thing. You look like you are having a rough day, but there was a man that lived over 2000 years ago and HE had a ROUGH day! Do you think your feet are hurting?” she said.

“Try letting someone drive a seven inch nail in your feet and then let me know how your feet are feeling.” She let me know that, His feet really were killing Him. I sat straight up like a bolt of lightning had just hit me. Then she said to me “And another thing young lady, don't you know that Jesus Christ hung in there, so that you and I don't have to hang in there?”

I felt like someone had just hit me in the head with a sack of nickels, and it was like a light bulb came on in my head. I just put my head down and began to weep. When I looked up, I wanted to apologize to the women so full of wisdom, but when I looked up, she was gone! I started pulling on the little lever to try to stop the bus driver, so that I could catch the little women. I ran to the front of the bus and I asked the bus driver had he noticed what stop the little, old, black women had gotten off on. I was just hoping that maybe I could meet her there another day to apologize. The bus driver was looking at me like I was crazy! He said “Miss I am sorry, but there has not been any little, old, black women on my bus today. As a matter of fact, you were the only women that rode my bus today!” I just stood there in awe. I went back to my seat shaking my head. I never forgot that day. To this very day, I believe that God had sent an angel to teach me a BIG lesson on how to treat people. I thought of the Scripture in Hebrews 13:2, from the Living Translation Bible. It says, “Don't forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!”

Written by Karen Showell copyright © 6/13/1990

Thank You Lord 2


All of our problems has been taken care of a hill called Calvary.
Jesus Christian nailed not only our sins, but he also nailed all of our problems,worries, and sickness there also

The Bible shows us in Philippians 4:6 that God clearly commands us not to worry, but still we as Christians do.

The word of God says,
“Do not be anxious [do not worry] about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with Thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

God also tells us that we should not worry about physical things,
such as clothing or food.

He assures us that He knows our needs and He promises to take care of them.

God is not a man that He can tell a lie!

If His word says it, then that's what it means.

There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it!

In Matthew 6:26, in the New Living Translation Bible clearly states,
Look at the birds. They don't plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren't you far more valuable to him than they are?

He promises that he will take care of the birds and then he asks us a question.

He asks, Are we more valuable than the birds of the air?

When you think about it, it is pretty silly huh?

We know that we are more valuable than any bird.

If God promises to take care of the bird, than we should know without a shadow of a doubt that he is going to take care of our every need.

Does this mean that things will not get hard sometimes?

Of course not.

It is a part of life.
We are all going to have our problems.

The victory is in how we handle the problem.

We can choose to do one or two things,

We can sit around and weep and moan, or we can to get up and put on some praise music, and praise God until our miracle comes!

That is what I am choosing to do!

What about you?

Are you with me?!

God wants us to know that He is concerned about our every need.

It does not matter how big or small the problem is.

God is concerned because He cares.

He wants us to come to him with anything and everything, even if the sound silly to us.

Worrying is just a part of our human nature.

So how do we overcome our worries?

The answer is very simple.

In 1st Peter 5:7,
the Bible tells us to cast our cares upon the Lord, because he cares for us.

This means our anxiety too!

God does not want us trying to carry the weight of the world on our shoulders.

Number one, our shoulders are not big enough.

We cannot change anything until God changes it anyway.

So what's the sense and sitting around worrying?

God promises not only to meet our needs, but to give us the peace that passes all understanding.

Read Philippians 4:7

All God asks of us is that when we come before him with our concerns that we will be humble and grateful.

He loves it when we come to him.

Think about how much you love your own children.
If you see that your children have a need, you will move mountains to make sure that they have what they need.

Well, our loving father feels the same way about his children.
The difference between Him and us is that he really CAN move mountains.

If we were not Christians, then I think we would have to be concerned.
But as long as you are a child of God, you do not have to worry or fear.

Worry and fear are the devils two biggest tools that uses against Christians.
If the devil can get your mind worrying about how you are going to solve a problem, or that problem, then he knows that you will not have time to sit down at the feet of Jesus and talk to Him about what is going on in your life.

The devil loves to keep you afraid.
He loves to paralyze you with fear!
That way you won't make a move at all!

It is time that we as Christians take our rightful authority that Jesus has given us, and tell the devil where he can go!

As a matter of fact the devil is the one that need to be worried about US!
Especially since God has given us all power!

So the next time the devil tries to put those thoughts of fear and worry in your mind, you tell him that you are a child of God and that he has no control over your life.

I dare you to start giving Jesus the praise!

Praise Jesus in advance for what He is going to do.

I guarantee you that, you won't be disappointed at what He will do!

Thank You Lord!

The Door


The Bible says in,
John 14:6

Jesus said to him,
“I am the way, the truth, and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through Me.

If Jesus Christ is the way, then that means there is no other way.

Don't get mad at me.
I did not say it, The Bible said it!
I believe that says it all!

It Is Finished


Jesus sacrificed His life so that we may enter Heaven through Him. That is such a powerful sacrifice; He set aside His diety to be flesh on Earth, and without doing any wrong, He was killed and His blood was shed for us 
We were lost and dead in our sin.

God Loved us! That Love caused Him to do something about our situation. God is rich in mercy, so He made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions. God acted on His Love for us and saved us by His Grace! Grace is the result of the actions of His Love. The remarkable thing about His Grace is that He didn't ask us to do anything but believe Him. God didn't ask us to perform some great deed. He didn't demand obedience from us before He would save us. God made us alive with Christ 'even when we were dead in transgressions and sins.' God is showing the universe 'the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus.' (Ephesians 2:7) God was Kind to us 'in' Christ because He Loved us.

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